Message from the Principal

“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”
-St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi has always been one of my favorite saints. Perhaps my love of animals started it, but as I grew older and more interested in finding out more about saints, his quotes and preaching stood out. Focusing on the simplicity of the gospel teachings and living them out in a joyful way while acknowledging the beauty of God’s Creation just makes sense to me.

I am blessed to be the principal of St. Francis of Assisi School. It is my goal to continue the tradition of emphasizing the joy of learning and setting high goals and expectations for success among our students. That said, this community is also known for its emphasis on caring and its nurturing environment. What a wonderful balance and a fabulous place to learn and grow!

The “sunbeam” in the quote from St. Francis can represent so many things. It could be a new concept learned by a student, illuminating the mind. It could be a smile offered in the hallway, driving away a sad day, or perhaps a random act of kindness, reminding someone that there is much goodness in the world. I look forward to celebrating all of the “sunbeams” as we work together to drive away shadows and preach the gospel in our words, thoughts, and actions.

God Bless,

Theresa O’Leary